Modern Combat Wiki

MC5's weapons were ugly, unbalanced, and OP as hell. These weapons will make the game better.

1. Pistols- We should have 2 high power revolvers, 2 semi autos, 2 burst, and 2 auto.

For revolvers, they should add the .44 revolver that's 1-hit kil with high recoil, low fire rate, high muzzle flash, a 5 round cylinder, and decent accuracy. Then a Black Mamba that kills in 2-3 hits with good accuracy, better fire rate, decent recoil, and a bigger cylinder.

The semi autos. The MC2 Barreta M9 was perfect all around, and the classic Desert Eagle (also from MC2).

For the 2 round burst, they should make a version of the B23R from COD BO2 and the 3 round burst from MC4 (i dont know how to spell that name).

Finally the auto ones. The Viny pro and the Mac-11 were perfect. Good looking, fun but hard to use, and required skill.

More weapon lists coming soon. Don't forget to comment.
