Modern Combat Wiki
Icon mc5

The PT7 Silencer is a muzzle attachment in Modern Combat 5: Blackout.

Modern Combat 5: Blackout

{{#infoboxbuilder: | 0:Theme = MC5 default | 0:ToggleContentLongerThan = 1000

| 1:Type = Title

| 1:Value = PT7 Silencer

| 2:Type = MainImage

| 2:Value = MC5-PT7 Silencer

| 3:Type = Line

| 3:Label = Type
| 3:Value = 

| 4:Type = Line

| 4:Label = Manufacturer
| 4:Value = 

| 5:Type = Line

| 5:Label = Based on
| 5:Value = 

| 6:Type = Header

| 6:Value =


| 7:Type = Line

| 7:Label = Effect
| 7:Value = 

| 8:Type = Line

| 8:Label = Increases
| 8:Value = Stealth, accuracy

| 9:Type = Line

| 9:Label = Zoom
| 9:Value = 

| 10:Type = Line

| 10:Label = Decreases
| 10:Value = Damage, range

| 11:Type = Header

| 11:Value =


| 12:Type = Line

| 12:Label = Class
| 12:Value = 

| 13:Type = Line

| 13:Label = Tier
| 13:Value = 

| 14:Type = Line

| 14:Label = Unlocked
| 14:Value = 

| 15:Type = Line

| 15:Label = Cost
| 15:Value = 

| 16:Type = Image

| 16:Value = 


The PT7 Silencer is the final silencer unlocked for assault rifles, sniper rifles, and light machine guns. Statistically it is superior to previous silencers, offering the largest boost in accuracy, with the least drop in weapon damage and range. Like other silencers, it reduces muzzle flash and suppresses weapon noise when firing.

As with all suppressors, it also prevents the player from appearing on the enemy radar when firing, which can provide a significant stealth advantage.

  • High increase in accuracy
  • Eliminates muzzle flash and suppresses sound when firing
  • Lower damage and range

See also
