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Icon mc3

The KPR Fighter is a vehicle that appears in Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation.

Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation[]

{{#infoboxbuilder: | 0:Theme = default | 0:CustomModule = | 0:MainImageCaption = | 0:ToggleContentLongerThan = 1000

| 1:Type = Title

| 1:Value = KPR fighter

| 2:Type = MainImage

| 2:Value = NKJet3

| 3:Type = Line

| 3:Label = Appearances
| 3:Value = Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation

| 4:Type = Line

| 4:Label = Type
| 4:Value = 

| 5:Type = Line

| 5:Label = Based on
| 5:Value = Sukhoi Su-30

| 6:Type = Line

| 6:Label = Role
| 6:Value = Multi-role fighter

| 7:Type = Line

| 7:Label = Weapons
| 7:Value = Rockets

| 8:Type = Line

| 8:Label = Operators
| 8:Value = 

| 9:Type = Line

| 9:Label = Status
| 9:Value = 

}} The fighter is often seen taking out US vehicles.

It is in missions involving the United States and in the Bering Strait. In Operation Blockbuster, its seen taking out a US LUV and two soldiers. It has also been seen in the opening cutscene for Hostile Territories where it attacks a Black Hawk with Downs and Walker aboard. Multiple KPR fighters can be seen parked on the Yongwang in Dragon King of the Sea, indicating the KPR fighters from the previous missions came from the Yongwang aircraft carrier.


See also[]
