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Back Stab is a multiplayer map available in Modern Combat: Sandstorm.

Modern Combat: Sandstorm[]

{{#infoboxbuilder: | 0:Theme = MC1 default | 0:CustomModule = | 0:MainImageCaption = | 0:ToggleContentLongerThan = 1000

| 1:Type = Title

| 1:Value = Back Stab

| 2:Type = MainImage

| 2:Value = Backstab1

| 3:Type = Footer

| 3:Value = Team 1 vs Team 2

| 4:Type = Line

| 4:Label = Location
| 4:Value = Middle East

| 5:Type = Line

| 5:Label = Size
| 5:Value = 

| 6:Type = Line

| 6:Label = Terrain
| 6:Value = Desert suburbs with small central courtyard

| 7:Type = Line

| 7:Label = Archetype
| 7:Value = Medium-Long range fighting with some close-quarters action

| 8:Type = Line

| 8:Label = Mission
| 8:Value = Operation Sandstorm

| 9:Type = Image

| 9:Value = File:MC1-Back Stab-map.png

}} Back Stab is a mid-sized map set in a suburban area in an unidentified Middle-Eastern city. The main courtyard contains various pieces of pipe, a car, and some wooden boxes lying around for use as cover. Attached to the courtyard are various small buildings and side streets, which are useful for flanking opponents. Outside the courtyard, one can find multiple destroyed cars, scraps of wood and trash, and a crater with 3 cars sunken in as ramps.The map plays host to intense mid-range battles, with long sightlines along the perimeters allowing for snipers to pick off unwary players.


See also[]


  • None of the map's buildings are able to be entered.
  • Evidence of dramatic combat is all over the map, notably the crater with the exposed sewer.